Thursday, June 4, 2009

6/10/09: Welcome Kitty & Matt to the Team

Kitty (Barb Walton, sister of assault leader)

Matt (Pete Walton)
Shown here in a more recent photo.

Age: Pre-dirt (THE Oldest…Pete, that is)
Experience includes High Altitude Training from 1995-2000
(Lived at 6300 feet)

Drove up Pike’s Peak…twice

Herman's Gulch-did it twice........ 10,000 ft + beautiful wildflowers and five mile hike

Hanging Lake:

Many hikes in Rocky Mountain State Park

Role on Team:
Matt – Hiker/Videographer
Kitty – Tour guide; wildflower gatherer…NO COOK!

Goal :
Survive the week (See below)

Kitty’s last hiking experience-->

Welcome to the team, Kitty & Matt

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