Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 14th, 2009 (Day 7) - Frisco, Leadville, etc.

After our hike yesterday, today is scheduled as a day to relax and rest up before our next 14er's assault scheduled for Thursday. The forecast for Thursday is 10% chance of showers.

At the end of our hike on Mt. Bierstadt, the Smiths extended an invitation to everyone to visit them in Frisco today and enjoy the hot tubs at the condos where they are staying. We plan to go there around 2 pm.

Again, the weather is beautiful, sunny, temps in the upper 70's. The morning was spent doing laundry and otherwise relaxing. At 12:30 a group of us left for Frisco (Jim & Ruth, Dave & Nitsa, Karl & Cindy) leaving Pete and Barb to roam around in Winter Park.....where they enjoyed the beautiful flowers and shops..

Their adventures included an encounter with a bull moose..........

Meanwhile, back in Frisco, Bob was getting things ready in the hot tubs........

We found their condo, and survived the climb up the 3 floors. Wow, this was as strenuous as yesterday's climb. The girls are ready to go to the hot tub.......

Boy, this feels good !!!!!...........

Lucky for us there wasn't any snow around...

Hey, what's over there ??............

After relaxing for the afternoon, we decided to drive to Leadville to see Bob and Ginny' property. We stopped to see this beautiful house owned by Joel's in-laws. It sits at the top end of Leadville.

Next we visited Bob and Ginny's property. It has a beautiful view of Mt. Elbert....

Dinner that night was at Hacienda Real in Frisco, a complete mexican food fest, in celebration of the Smith's 35th anniversay. Congrats Bob & Ginny !!
PS. The weather forecast for Thursday has changed.. to 0% chance of rain.

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