Monday, June 8, 2009

Bense and Rufus

Name: Jim and Ruth Benson
Nickname: Bense and Rufus
Age: 59 and classified

Experience / Accomplishments:
Bense – Long’s Peak 1973/74(?) and Grand Canyon (reverse mountain!)
Rufus – Slide Mountain, NY, Blue Hill, Maine. and both sides of the Delaware Water Gap (yeah baby).

Please note, though, that both of us scale Mount Sunny View Drive up to Hillside Avenue for our morning 2 mile walk. (25 foot elevation)
Role on Team:

Bense will serve as medic, sharing Ibuprofin and Aspirin. Can also serve as complainer depending on conditions.

Rufus (“There is no way I am doing that”) will serve as communications expert – calling daughters on cell phone to update them on expedition exploits.

Goals: To avoid permanent injury and humiliation.

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